Have you ever wondered why a cat sleeps with open eyes? Luckily, sleeping with eyes open is normal behavior in felines, but sometimes it could cause concern. In this article, I will share all details regarding your concerns.
If you have a cat, you must agree that they are the cutest creature on earth. For cat parents, observing their cats for unnatural acts is nothing new. Many cat lovers agree that a cat’s oddness plays a large part in its appeal, thus making it hard for the parent to pick the concerning behavior from its overall conduct.
Cats, especially seniors, are programmed to be on the lookout for threats, so it’s normal for them to keep their eyes open when sleeping. While for a matter of concern, you should watch for trauma symptoms in your cat’s eyes.
Why does a cat sleep with open eyes

There is no reason to be concerned because, for the most part, this conduct is just typical. However, it’s best to watch your cat if more symptoms appear, as this may point to a health problem.
Let us figure out the reasons why cat sleeps with open eyes and ways through which you can help your cats in avoiding the issue.
It’s in their natural impulses.
Cats sleep during the day to conserve energy because they are natural hunters. As a result, many cats sleep with their eyes slightly open. They are very conscious of their surroundings and alert for threats in sleep too.
Medical issue or injury
You might have a question my cat sleeping with eyes open is sick. Beneath the cat’s two eyelids is a third translucent layer called the nictitating membrane. And if this layer is scratched or injured, the cat can have trouble closing their eyes. If this happens, your cat may need surgery. At the same time, it’s not a common scenario that explains why a cat sleeps with open eyes. It’s best to have your cat evaluated by a veterinarian if there are other symptoms.
Sleep Cycle
Like humans, cats have a multi-stage sleep cycle. So, if your cat has their eyes open when they sleep, it’s likely that they’re either a light sleeper or in the early stages of its sleep. This cycle is known as NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement).
REM sleep period
During REM sleep, cats are most likely to dream and exhibit squeaking, purring, eye, ear, and tail-twitching behaviors. This stage is called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) or deep sleep. Cats most likely sleep with their eyes closed in REM. But sleeping with open eyes or partially open, even in REM, is possible.
Most asked questions

Here we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding why cat sleeps with open eyes.
· Can a cat sleep with eyes open after surgery
Yes, after surgery cat can sleep with an open eye. You may also notice that your cat’s eyes look as wet as glass. This is due to the lubrication applied to the anesthetized cat’s eyes. Since she has no blink reflex when lying down, this lubricant will keep her open eyes from drying out. If your cat has had surgery, make a note of her incision.
· why is my cat sleeping with eyes open and twitching?
Cats dream during the REM period. RAM is a stage in a cat’s sleep where they see dreams and act accordingly. They exhibit specific behaviors such as squeaking and twitching eyes, ears, and possibly tails. Despite all these spasms, you also experience a loss of muscle tone known as atone.
· Why is my cat sleeping with eyes half open?
Cats sleep well, but they often sleep lightly during the day. Also, in the early sleep cycle stages, the eyes may be partially open during sleep. A cat sleeping with its eyes open is probably nothing to worry about and is usually fine and normal.
· Is a dying cat sleeping with eyes open
Cats die with their eyes open. Closing the eyes requires active muscle control. The same goes for humans. Check if the cat’s eyes are open. She might be dead. Cat’s eyes tend to stay open after they die because of the muscle control needed to keep them closed.
· Is the elderly cat sleeping with its eyes open?
Yes, an elder cat can sleep with open eyes. Sleeping with your eyes open most of the time doesn’t seem a concern. Many cats sleep with their eyes half-open. Researchers have found this trait to be more common in older cats. This behavior is normal, but it’s best to keep an eye on your cat.
· Is my cat sleeping with their eyes open sick?
Yes, sick cats can sleep with open eyes due to eye disease. Leaving one eye open can be distressing for your cat. And you may notice other signs such as red, swollen eyes, mucus, and excessive blinking. Conjunctivitis is a common eye disease in cats.
· Cat sleeping with eyes open and twitching Reddit
Cats don’t always sleep with their eyes closed. A little scary but perfectly normal. Cramps, or you may say twitching, are vivid dreams. A stage in a cat’s sleep cycle is where they dream about playing. So that is why a cat sleeps with open eyes in that stage.
· How can I help my cat sleep better?

You must make sure your cat is healthy. A good night’s sleep is a very important part of that. Below are some ways how can you help your cat sleep.
Give a Healthy diet to your cat.
Maintaining a healthy diet for your cat is very important. Proper nutrition is essential for your cat’s optimal health. You should also know if your cat needs supplements to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Before you talk to your veterinarian, many supplements are commonly offered to cats. Giving your cat the nutrition it needs will also help her sleep better.
Give enough playtime to your cat.
Cats like to be physically and mentally stimulated. A play session will allow them to use their energy throughout the day. And that will help them enter deep sleep more quickly.
Take your cat with you for a walk.
Walks are very important for us as well as your furry love. This not only makes them happy but keeps them healthy too. During the walk, they meet new friends and play well. They use much of their energy during the walk. So, when it comes to sleep, they sleep much better and faster.
Keep a consistent sleep schedule for your cat.
A consistent sleep schedule is very important for a cat’s better sleep. Certain habits and routines can teach your cat when and where to sleep. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule for your cat. This will help them sleep better.
Feed your cat in the middle of the night.
Cats sleep better after eating a good meal. Feeding hours before bedtime can wake you up hungry. Conversely, if meals are given before normal bedtime, they are less likely to wake up in the middle of the night and crave food. Your feline is weird, funny, and often does things you might not understand. Seeing a cat sleeping with its eyes open can be a little disturbing. But remember:
Cats are always aware of their surroundings so that they may doze off with wide-open eyes. It is pretty normal when it comes to cats.
Cats do weird things sometimes, but we love it. But cat owners are also concerned about their strange behavior, such as why cat sleeps with open eyes. Cats sleep well, but they often sleep lightly during the day. Also, in the early sleep cycle stages, the eyes may be partially open during sleep. A cat sleeping with its eyes open is probably nothing to worry about.