Have you ever experienced you are sitting in a quiet corner thinking about something, and you might notice your furry friend put his paw on you? You might wonder why your dog put his paw on you. The answer to this question is it is their way of communicating with you. He might want your love and attention, or maybe he is hungry. Maybe he wants to go outside for a walk or pee and poop. All you have to do is pay attention to what your pappy wants.
Animals are not able to communicate with words like us. They cannot tell you what they are feeling or want through words. They deliver their message with their body language. Being a pet parent, you have to know what your puppy wants. You should know about his likes and dislikes. This lets you know what they want so you can fulfil their needs on time.
In this article, I will tell you about the 8 reasons your dog put his paw on you. This will prove helpful for you to find out the reason behind your dog’s this behaviour. Let us dig into these reasons in detail one by one.
1. Your dog shows his love for you
Have you wondered why do dogs give you their paws without asking? This is one of the very common reasons why your dog puts his paw on you. It is because he wants to show his love for you. This is his way of telling you that he loves you so much. He is always there for you. He will never leave you. Dogs are very loyal to humans. They love their owner and protect them at any cost.
2. Your dog wants your attention
This is another reason why your dog put his paw on you. Dogs love their owners and want their love in return. Whenever you notice your puppy putting his paw on your leg or arm, it is because he wants your attention. Being a pet parent, you should give your pet plenty of quality time. Your kind and loving behavior will make your puppy happy. It will strengthen your bond with your furry friend.
3. Your dog is feeling hungry
Many owners ask questions like why does my dog put his paw on me and lick me?Whenever your dog feels hungry, he will beg for food and does this act. This could be one of the reasons he will put his paw on you. Here is something you need to know about your dog’s eating routine. You should feed your dog good and healthy food and make a proper routine. Do not give your dog food outside feeding hours. This will create a bad habit in your dog. Giving your puppy healthy treats at the right time would be best. You must ignore your pup’s request for food whenever you eat something and he puts his paw on you.
4. Your dog wants to go outside
When your dog gets old, he needs more than usual to go outside. They cannot hold pee for a long time. That is why they need to go outside. Your dog will then request you to take him outside by placing his paw on you. On the other hand, your dog may want to go outside for a nice walk. He wanted some alone time with you. So this could be one of the reasons why your dog put his paw on you.
5. Your dog wants to play

Dogs love to play. They want to play with or without their owner. But in more cases, they want their pet parents to play with them. That is why they request their human friend to play with them when they feel bored and want to have fun. Playing with your furry love will make him happy. It will strengthen your bond with your cute four-legged friend. He will feel safe and comfy when you are around him.
6. Your dog try to direct your pets
Pets make dogs very happy. This could be another reason your dog put his paw on you. Is it ever happening to you when you spend time with your dog and him pawing you to guide you where to pet? Isn’t it cute? He wants to direct you where to pet by putting his paw on you. As a pet parent, you must understand your pet’s body language. They communicate with you through their body movement. You have to pay a little more attention.
7. Your dog is in pain
As I already told you, dogs communicate with their body language. They always try to tell you whether they are happy or in pain with their body movement. This is another reason why your dog put his paw on you: he wanted to tell you he is in pain. When your dog is not feeling well or in pain, he can place his paw to tell. You should pay attention towards your pet’s behavior. When you find your dog distressed, immediately call your vet for medical help.
8. Your dog feeling anxious and insecure
Why do dogs put their paw on your chest? Dogs consider their owners as their own families. In any difficult situation, they look to their family for help. When your dog feels anxious and insecure, he will tell you about his feeling. As a pet parent, you should understand what your dog tells you. Feeling anxious and insecure could be one of the reasons why your puppy put his paw on you. He wants your love and cares to overcome his insecurities. With little extra care, you can help your dog in these situations.
Some communication or body language signals of dogs
Being a pet owner, you should know all your four-legged friends’ communication and body language signals. Here are some signals which will prove helpful for you to understand what your dog is telling you.
- When your dog pricked his ears.
- He wants to attract your attention when he wags his tail upward.
- When he gives you an attentive gaze, attentive gaze is a signal that your dog wants your love and attention.
- Open mouth.
Some signals of anxious behaviors in dogs
Like other signals, your dog will tell you that he is anxious. Here are some signals of the dog which prove helpful in understanding that your dog is anxious. These signals on the anxious behavior of dogs are:
- When he weirdly pricked his ears.
- A shifting gaze signals anxious behavior in the dog when he shifts his gaze.
- A low tail could be a signal of anxious behavior.
- A tight mouth is a signal that your dog is anxious.
I am going to summarise my article with these final lines. Dogs are very loving and loyal creatures. They are true friends of humans even in their dark days. When you add a dog to your family or even already own one. You should be able to understand what they are trying to tell you. As I’ve already mentioned, animals cannot communicate with words.
The dogs cannot tell you what they are feeling with the word. They used signals and body movements, you may say, as their language. They communicate with you through their body language. Being a pet parent, you should be able to understand these signals. So that you can find out what your puppy is trying to tell you and help him when needed. This is not so hard. You have to pay a little more attention. You will be able to understand your furry love’s language and fulfil his needs.