How to stop a dog from pulling on leash?

How to stop a dog from pulling on leash? If there is one thing I envy as a dog parent is seeing dogs in harmony with their owners without the assistance of a leash. Even if another dog passes them by, the unleashed dogs don’t seem to get phased. In fact, anything that excites your doggo might be the reason behind its frequent lead-pulling. What if I tell you about an easy way to prevent leash pulling once and forever? Keep reading, and this article will guide you through easy tips on how to stop leash pulling in your canine.

Leash pulling is a common problem faced by many dog owners. Dogs have an instinct to explore their surroundings by following their noses, which can lead to pulling and lunging. The phenomenon is hazardous as it puts your canine at risk of injury and making walk stressful for both of you.

Reasons behind dogs pulling their leash:

How to stop a dog from pulling on leash?

Here are a few reasons why dogs pull on their leash during walking:

Anxiousness or fear:

Some dogs may pull on the leash because of fear or anxiety. For example, if a dog is afraid of other dogs or people, they may try to pull away to avoid them. Your dog may act aggressively during anxiety attacks.  If you want to know how to get large dog to stop pulling on leash, then you must know ways to stop anxiousness.

Lack of familiarity:

If your dog is not used to walking with a leash. This may lead to pulling the equipment during the trip outside. A new environment or way of handling can trigger the flight response of your doggo, thus bringing out a state of panic and fury. It is also believed that if the leash is uncomfortable, your dog will try to get away from it even if pulling causes more discomfort.

Excitement and curiosity:

Dogs are curious by nature. Therefore, if they see or smell something exciting, they start moving toward it. Suppose something sparks a canine’s curiosity at the park. In that case, they will immediately begin pulling the leash to get closer to the thing that excites them.

Absence of training:

If you haven’t taught your dog commands, then there is a chance your four-legged friend will tug the leash several times during walks. Dogs are not born knowing how to walk calmly on a leash. If they haven’t been adequately trained, they may not understand that they should walk alongside their owner without pulling.

You are slow:

Dogs love to move at their own pace, and when the owners are slow and do not keep up with speed, it makes dogs pull on their leash. Usually, parents train the dog, but when it comes to the leash pulling, the phenomenon gets the opposite as your canine starts training you.

How to stop dog from pulling on leash?

How to stop a dog from pulling on leash?

To avoid excessive leash pulling, you must follow the tips and make a habit of them. Accumulating the directions in your daily life will help you and increase your dog’s awareness.

1.     Select a standard walking method:

It would help if you stuck to a single walking routine. The consistency will prevent scenarios that give way to leash pulling. It would be best if you communicated to your doggo about the acceptable behaviors during your walk time. Therefore, the more consistent you are, the lesser lead pulling occurs.

If you wonder how to stop dog from pulling on leash, then it is essential that you choose the side you want to walk your side (left or right). Once selected, stick to the side and ensure anyone walking your pet sticks to the routine.

2.     Visit places with lesser or zero excitement:

Dogs give in to excitement; therefore, you must visit places with significantly less stimulation. Sites like these will keep your doggo calm and composed and do not allow them to move against you in any given scenario. Select a quiet time and practice walking with your fluffy friend. Thus, the most relaxing time of the day is the evening when most people are indoors prepping meals, thus making streets less stimulating for dogs.

In another case, if you take your dog to a park or public place in rush hour, the dog will never learn leash manners and starts tugging and pulling as soon as it sees the first stimuli.

3.     Make sure the leash is comfortable:

If the leash is too tight, your dog might begin pulling it when discomfort. Sometimes it is not about your training. Instead, your dog’s comfort is at stake. As a dog parent, you will never want your dog to be in pain or physical agitation. Many cheap leashes are made from poor materials that can prick the skin of dogs, thus making them jumpy during walks.

4.     Offer treats when your pet is a ‘good boy’:

One way to train your dog to walk calmly with a leash is to offer it its favorite treat every time it succeeds. As a pet parent, it is your job to instill good behavior and reward when the canine acts according to the motto of the training. Treats are used to adjust your pet to good habits that ensure the harmonious life of the parent and doggo under the same roof.

During the training span, keep a handful of your canine’s favorite snack in hand. You can either offer the treat during the walk or after finishing it. Ensure you do not overfeed the snacks, which might make your dog sick. It is the best solution for a dog pulling on the leash.

5.     Always use a front clipper harness:

A front clip harness is a type of leash closed at the front. The attachment point at the rear offers more control over the canine’s movement, thus preventing leash pulling. When a dog wearing a front-clip harness tries to pull, the harness gently pulls them to the side. It redirects their attention rather than allowing them to pull forward. This redirection helps to reinforce good walking behavior and discourage pulling. It is one of the best answers on how to stop a dog from pulling on his leash.

6.     Use Verbal Cues

In addition to positive reinforcement, verbal cues such as “heel” or “let’s go” can help your dog understand what is expected of them when walking on a leash. The verbal help will strengthen your bond with your canine and make them listen to you in every distressing situation.

7.     Go for professional help:

How to stop a dog from pulling on leash?

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your dog may continue to pull on the leash, or their pulling behavior may become more severe. In these cases, seeking professional help from a dog trainer or behaviorist may be beneficial.

A professional trainer or behaviorist can work with you and your dog to identify the root cause and guide you on how to stop a dog from pulling on leash? Moreover, he will develop a tailored training plan to address it. They may also be able to provide additional tools and techniques to help you train your dog, as well as offer support and guidance throughout the process.


How to stop dog from pulling on leash? remember leash pulling is a common issue among dogs. Still, it can be frustrating and potentially dangerous for the dog and the owner. Here, we have discussed tips that will help you walk a calm dog that does not tug its harness when a stimulus appears in front of it. We have shared everything regarding leash-pulling prevention in the article, from reasons to ways.

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