Welcome to PetThingsDrill, your go-to destination for insightful articles on pet behavior, product reviews, and everything related to the world of pets! We’re thrilled that you’re interested in contributing to our platform and sharing your expertise with our community of pet enthusiasts.

Who We Are:

PetThingsDrill is a trusted online resource dedicated to providing accurate and valuable information about pets, particularly aquatic animals, small animals, dogs, and cats. Our mission is to offer pet owners and lovers a comprehensive understanding of various pet-related topics, from behavioral insights to product reviews that assist them in making informed decisions. If you are on the lookout for write for us ”cats” this place is it for you.

Why Contribute to PetThingsDrill:

  1. Share Your Knowledge: Your unique insights and experiences can benefit our readers and help them become better pet owners.
  2. Engage with a Community: Connect with a community of pet lovers who share your passion and interest in pets.
  3. Showcase Your Expertise: Establish yourself as an authority in the pet industry and build your personal brand.
  4. Educate and Inspire: Help pet owners provide the best care for their furry, feathered, or aquatic companions.

Topics We Cover for guest post pets:

  • Aquatic Animals: Fish tanks, aquarium setups, marine life care, and aquatic species profiles.
  • Small Animals: Rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and more.
  • Dogs: Training tips, breed profiles, health advice, and product reviews.
  • Cats: Behavior insights, grooming tips, nutrition, and product recommendations.

Submission Guidelines for pet blogging:

  1. Original Content: All submissions must be original and not published elsewhere for pet niche blog.
  2. Quality Content: Articles should be well-researched, informative, and provide value to our readers.
  3. Word Count: We recommend articles to be at least 1400 words long to provide comprehensive coverage.
  4. Zero Grammatical Errors: Articles should be thoroughly proofread to ensure high-quality, error-free content.
  5. Engaging Tone: Maintain an engaging and friendly tone that resonates with our pet-loving audience.
  6. Include Visuals: High-quality images related to the topic are encouraged.
  7. Author Bio: Include a brief author bio (up to 2-3 sentences) with your submission.

Submission Process for pet content writer:

  1. Review our website to understand our content style and topics.
  2. Send your article proposal or completed article to [email address].
  3. Our editorial team will review your submission for relevance and quality.
  4. If approved, we’ll notify you of the publication date.


We value your contribution and offer payment through PayPal for approved articles. Compensation details will be discussed upon article acceptance. The regulations also apply to writers looking for pet nutrition ‘write for us’.

Ready to Share Your Pet Insights?

Join us in spreading pet love and knowledge! Contribute to PetThingsDrill and help pet owners make the best choices for their beloved companions. Send your article proposal or completed article to naimasjourney101@gmail.com or naima@petthingsdrill.com and be a part of our pet-loving community.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to PetThingsDrill. We can’t wait to hear from you on this write for us pets!